Is there a way to hide the 'X' button on WindowDialog

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By monsterousoperandi

Just want to hide the button so it’s not visible but it’s proving to be difficult.

func _ready() -> void :
	self.get_close_button().disabled = true #disabled button but it's still there
	self.get_close_button().hide() #does noting
	self.get_close_button().visible = false #does nothing
	self.get_close_button().add_color_override("disabled", Color("#00ffffff")) #also nothing

any one have any ideas? The documentation mentions using the CanvasItem.visible property but I have no idea what that means…

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: jgodfrey

In 3.5, this works for me…

func _ready():
	$WindowDialog.get_close_button().visible = false
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In Godot 4.x you should override the theme icon name ‘close’ to a empty Texture2D to hide the close button.



Since the icon with no texture is collapse to rect size zero. So nobody can click it anymore.


great hack!

Yes it works, but gives me these two errors:

E 0:00:00:0560 _gdvirtual__get_height_call: Required virtual method Texture2D::_get_height must be overridden before calling.
<Sorgente C++> scene/resources/texture.h:61 @ _gdvirtual__get_height_call()

E 0:00:00:0560 _gdvirtual__get_width_call: Required virtual method Texture2D::_get_width must be overridden before calling.
<Sorgente C++> scene/resources/texture.h:60 @ _gdvirtual__get_width_call()

Both if I do it before or after the “filedialog.popup_centered()”.