Load an save files after export

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Falcon

I have a problem: I have some .csv, .obj files in my res://assets/some/ directory, when i export my project for win or whatever platform .csv and .obj files not exported, i tried to change my export settings but have no result.
I will be glad for any help.

Please, form a concrete question.

sash-rc | 2021-07-26 18:14

I have .csv and .obj files in my project. After export (Project->Export->Windows Desktop) .obj and .csv files don’t exist, but i need them.

Falcon | 2021-07-26 19:14

Answered in “answer” section.

sash-rc | 2021-07-26 20:49

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: sash-rc

You should include said extensions (*.csv, *.obj) in the export non-resources field under Resources tab in export profile. After that your files should be included in export bundle (executable/pck).

But please keep in mind, you won’t be able to save anything under Resource path(“res:://…” path) - as it’s an archive, and not a physical file system.

To save your data you have to use either User path (“user://…”) or handle it by yourself in a platform-specific manner, like absolute paths, or with OS functions, like get_user_data_dir( ).

You should include said extensions (*.csv, *.obj) in the export non-resources field under Resources tab in export profile. After that your files should be included in export bundle (executable/pck).

I tried, but this changed nothing.I use Dir class to get which files in my project and there aren’t any .csv and .obj files.

Falcon | 2021-07-27 10:25

I tried,

How exactly? There’s export config in export_presets.cfg.
What’s in include_filter, exclude_filter?

I use Dir class

How exactly? There’s no “Dir” class.
Show your code.

sash-rc | 2021-07-27 13:29