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Hello, i have a problem with my admob
Load interstitial ad at the beginning or on func ready is just making my game error and force close, i dont even showing it yet.
But banner and reward ad is working fine
Godot version 3.3.3 admob version 5.0.1.
Starting my game without admob is fine
My fps is really good at 60
I think this is plugin bugs?
Ok, so in 2 days I’m reviewing now it’s improved by about 80 percent.
I don’t think it turns out that the loading bar can help 90 percent.
So, the machine needs time to cool down or think, the length of time to think depends on optimization, maybe my optimization is not 100%, maybe 80%. And indeed optimization takes a long time to get maximum results.
The loading bar position or the background process is not doing anything, or you could say I’m cooling the engine, I’m not too experienced with loading stuff on the background and it turns out that loading plays a very important role in avoiding congestion. And I also can’t say 100 percent the problem can be solved by loading, depending on:
how accurate is the optimization
coding and instructing the machine to check one by one the objects that are spawned in the arena
I’m sure this can get maximum results
Hopefully with this problem people who are experiencing the same thing can be helped