Hi guys :3 I was wondering if programmers with experience in 3d specifically would be interested in joining our team?
My project partner and I were left in the lurch by the rest of our jam team last month, and only have our assets, planning documents and a controllable protagonist to show for it. We’re both pretty new to Godot engine, and our principal programmer was one of the guys that peaced out, so we’re a little out of our depth. If there’s anyone out there who wants to help us work on our project please reach out :3 thanks!!
I would gladly help but I’m kinda busy this month. maybe if it’s something small.
can you give more information on what kind of game this is? what is the scope?
is it a small game will one level, a proceduraly generated one, or are we talking about a large, story driven game with lots of mechanics?
what is it coded in? (gdscript or C#)
what is the level of coding going on? was the programmer experienced?
You should mention more clearly that it’s a hobby, volunteer position, and say more about the project : is the game jam over ? Which is it ? What kind of game, what are the game systems you need implemented, etc.
More info is better, so coders can decide to contact you if what you showcase interests them.
As it is, you’re asking people to jump in without knowing anything about the project.
Cheers, good luck !
It’s a boss rush, my project partner and I were participating in the boss rush game jam and we got left in the lurch when half our team kinda left the week before submission. He’s more familiar with the engine than me, so he’s been handling the protagonist controls as well as the music, whereas I was purely only on board for the art assets.
We’re looking for some programmers who can help us implement the boss encounters, overworld puzzles, and basic dialogue, as well as a bit of shader work that is a little bit out of my league at the moment. As far as I’m aware it’s coded in gdscript, but I really wasn’t involved in the programming outside of explaining how the bosses should work.
We ran out of time obviously, but we’re both still very committed to finishing the game. If anyone’s interested in helping us out with our predicament, please reach out! Thanks :3
I hope they left for personal reasons.
when someone abandons a projects it tends to be a 50/50 between “I don’t have time for this”, and inexperienced/bad management.
do you have a design document ready or some general idea of what the game was supposed to be like? this is very important from the start.
there is another possibility which is the code got out of their hands, which can happen with inexperienced programmers. this one for a new programmer coming in mean debugging ALL the code and trying to learn what everything does, and this can take time.
I have the knowledge on how to do all of that, but it’s a lot to ask for a game jam. each of these features is basically a different game that has to be coded, and then incorporated into the final project. is any of it completed, or at least started?
boss encounters: if coded right, animations can be used for the boss which ends up falling into the artists hands. but this being 3D adds more complications.
puzzles: I would say forget about it unless it’s a core element of the game. most people don’t know how to code puzzles and making them fun is also a problem.
basic dialogue: there are some plugins for this, but it still has to be coded into the game.
shader work: do you really need it?
the question is, is there a time limit? because what you told us is a lot and I would say it can’t be done overnight.
Yeah the boss sections are essentially souls like bits, but the whole game had a lot more going on than that. We had originally envisioned the game to have 3 POV modes that can be switched to as the player needs to, to solve puzzles and stuff. I recall our original programmer got most of that done already, but I’m not a hundred percent sure tbh.
I’m pretty sure our programmer left due to personal reasons, yeah. We have a fairly organised milanote board and we all updated it pretty regularly until around the third week of January, when people started dropping out of the project.
It’s no longer for a game jam, we ran out of time (it ended two days ago). We just want to finish the project now, because we liked the concept we had and felt it could be pretty cool. The stuff that I laid out (puzzles, boss AI, dialogue and shaders) are all pretty essential, as the original theme was spin, and we wanted to keep to our interpretation of it.
We don’t have a set deadline anymore. We just want to finish it in our own time now, it doesn’t need to be done overnight.
Unfortunately I won’t have time this month, and I don’t know about the next, so I won’t be able to help you, but I hope you find someone. Best of luck!