Making things in world, creating world in a world

Godot Version



Hello, so i have been thinking about making a game but don’t really know where and how to start.

My idea is to have something like an empty space to start in, like World1, here i would create “things” by that i think of creating an single point, go inside of it and have another empty space like World2.

Here make some grid which is 9 by 9 by 9, i would click on some points, save the locations of that, maybe to some json file, from that i would generate an “model”/“array of meshinstance?” set this thing some parameters and informations.

Add connection points to connect one thing to another, like we have a model of a cube which is 9 by 9 by 9 and on any of the outter layer point i could add another block which would allow me to add an connection point to connect a thing1 to thing2 where they have their own connection points, by connection points i mean either “static” so they just are connected to each other, “rotation connection” so i would click if they rotate on x, y or z, or “pusshing/pulling connection” of x, y or z so they can push or pull each other.

Add another block which would be “brain”/“computer” like i would have a block which have 10 or more connection points on the left and 10 connection points on the right, like on left1 i would have a “motor” on right2 i would have a button connected so i click a button and motor spin.

Either click a button or push a lever to make it rotate/move for set parameter and also make them automatic, like i would have a certain signal, to make certain movement set, like in anime i forgot the name of, dude was kinda in paraller reality was piloting mechas, and made automations for battle systems like he clicked a button or after certain action the mecha would do certain action!

And here i dont know how to proceed and how to start with it, i have been seeing some voxel tools from Zylann on github, but is it possible to make it on normal not edited godot engine? i have some old laptop where godot 3.5.2.stable is running fine but godot 4.2 is kinda laggy, so my whole idea is to have xyzworld where i can create an single point, go inside of it and create a new world where i would make a thing, go back to previous world, here i would have a list of things that i can put out, connect and create, can somebody tell me what should i read, what should i use to make that stuff happen and see it?

So i kinda wanna make like arduino in godot, where i would be able to create an “model”, add to it a connection point which would make it move or connect to each other and then just add a block like arduino where i would write to it to make it move, my dream is to create a mecha like in anime and pilot it with buttons and levers.

the voxel tools i looked at made me thing if it is possible to create an World 1 which is just singular points which are 3D mesh instance of cube, and in the center of it we have 2D Shape which is 3DSprite which is always rotated/positioned in direction of a player, that singular point which is a cube would have another 3D mesh which is a cube but a way bigger ! when we are in that second cube the world would spawn? load? like we would have cubic chunks of a world and we would fly around that planet and stuff, i have been playing around with godot 3.5.2.stable and here i was able to load some vr quest 2 demos, i created a scene that is just a Spatial node, with a cube, area, collision shape, was able to click on it on laptop and vr headset, then i wanted to make another scene where i just spawn that 9 by 9 by 9 matrix/grid of these points scenes but dunno how to proceed further, like saving information of what block is clicked :frowning: i also made simple .res files which are just white and black “pixels” 1by1 in size and had an idea to make these points almost transparent, and when the grid spawns, it generates inside of them black pixels, when i click on it it changes to white, then i would have some json file save the location of clicked pixels, i would have these points, dunno how to proceeds further, also possible to just click on points, then build between them lines? or maybe build walls? like i would have a blender in godot, i would fly around, create an model/thing in 9 by 9 by 9, save it, add connection points and make it work! somebody knows what i need to read, research? look at to make it work?

Uhhhh,… OK…

I recommend giving Blender a try.

Alternatively you can just download pre-made assets and just import them into Godot.

Then you’ll have plenty of things to make your world within a world.

question not specific enough

i wrote the question when i made a thread but don’t see it, let me post it again:

Hello, so i have been thinking about making a game but don’t really know where and how to start.

My idea is to have something like an empty space to start in, like World1, here i would create “things” by that i think of creating an single point, go inside of it and have another empty space like World2.

Here make some grid which is 9 by 9 by 9, i would click on some points, save the locations of that, maybe to some json file, from that i would generate an “model”/“array of meshinstance?” set this thing some parameters and informations.

Add connection points to connect one thing to another, like we have a model of a cube which is 9 by 9 by 9 and on any of the outter layer point i could add another block which would allow me to add an connection point to connect a thing1 to thing2 where they have their own connection points, by connection points i mean either “static” so they just are connected to each other, “rotation connection” so i would click if they rotate on x, y or z, or “pusshing/pulling connection” of x, y or z so they can push or pull each other.

Add another block which would be “brain”/“computer” like i would have a block which have 10 or more connection points on the left and 10 connection points on the right, like on left1 i would have a “motor” on right2 i would have a button connected so i click a button and motor spin.

Either click a button or push a lever to make it rotate/move for set parameter and also make them automatic, like i would have a certain signal, to make certain movement set, like in anime i forgot the name of, dude was kinda in paraller reality was piloting mechas, and made automations for battle systems like he clicked a button or after certain action the mecha would do certain action!

And here i dont know how to proceed and how to start with it, i have been seeing some voxel tools from Zylann on github, but is it possible to make it on normal not edited godot engine? i have some old laptop where godot 3.5.2.stable is running fine but godot 4.2 is kinda laggy, so my whole idea is to have xyzworld where i can create an single point, go inside of it and create a new world where i would make a thing, go back to previous world, here i would have a list of things that i can put out, connect and create, can somebody tell me what should i read, what should i use to make that stuff happen and see it?

So i kinda wanna make like arduino in godot, where i would be able to create an “model”, add to it a connection point which would make it move or connect to each other and then just add a block like arduino where i would write to it to make it move, my dream is to create a mecha like in anime and pilot it with buttons and levers.

the voxel tools i looked at made me thing if it is possible to create an World 1 which is just singular points which are 3D mesh instance of cube, and in the center of it we have 2D Shape which is 3DSprite which is always rotated/positioned in direction of a player, that singular point which is a cube would have another 3D mesh which is a cube but a way bigger ! when we are in that second cube the world would spawn? load? like we would have cubic chunks of a world and we would fly around that planet and stuff, i have been playing around with godot 3.5.2.stable and here i was able to load some vr quest 2 demos, i created a scene that is just a Spatial node, with a cube, area, collision shape, was able to click on it on laptop and vr headset, then i wanted to make another scene where i just spawn that 9 by 9 by 9 matrix/grid of these points scenes but dunno how to proceed further, like saving information of what block is clicked :frowning: i also made simple .res files which are just white and black “pixels” 1by1 in size and had an idea to make these points almost transparent, and when the grid spawns, it generates inside of them black pixels, when i click on it it changes to white, then i would have some json file save the location of clicked pixels, i would have these points, dunno how to proceeds further, also possible to just click on points, then build between them lines? or maybe build walls? like i would have a blender in godot, i would fly around, create an model/thing in 9 by 9 by 9, save it, add connection points and make it work! somebody knows what i need to read, research? look at to make it work?

LOL from no information to loads of information.

I don’t think I fully understand what you are trying to do. But as for detecting what is beside what, you can just use raycast for that. You can use is_in_group or has_method for the ray to distinguish what it is coming into contact with.

As for rotating you can have a script to use the raycast to detect what it comes into contact with then spawn a position3d node between the objects or wherever you need the pivot point.

Is there a game(s) with similar mechanics you’re trying to implement? It may help us understand what you are trying to do. (me anyway)

There are quite a few tutorials on how to make Tetris on YouTube that may be helpful if you’re trying to deal with grids.

i have made an simple google dock with what i have in idea

here i try to show what i wanna acomplish, the world just having an storage with “words” the words have coordinates, and they can move, in specified fashion, what would be gravity, pulling, stopping

the words would be like server and what is always loaded? then depending on where the player is the “chunks” of words would appear, can somebody tell me what parts of godot should i study and learn to create something like this? i would love for these chunks to be like in voxel tool from Zylann, i love how they are just cubes but smoothed stuff!

Your idea reminds me of a game called Space Engineers. Sounds similar in concept to me from a mechanic standpoint.

Wish I could help you more, but what you’re trying to accomplish is somewhat beyond my skill level currently.

You could try looking for tutorials on how to make similar mechanics like in Space Engineers with the Godot engine.