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IceExplosive |
Select MessageTimer in left panel (you should open HUD scene, or where that timer is located) and in the right panel, you’ll see list of Signals… under the Node tab.
In the code printscreen you’ve provided there are signals for HUD node visible.
Timer will have a timeout() signal… double left click on it and it will open a pop-up window where you can connect it to function.
Ok I did not know that I had to have the HUD scene selected for this. But all it did was add a new function “pressed()” and I do not know what to do at this point in relationship to the below instructions:
Connect the timeout() signal of MessageTimer and the pressed() signal of StartButton and add the following code to the new functions:
func _on_StartButton_pressed():
func _on_MessageTimer_timeout():
Screenshot of my editor of the situation:
trinsic | 2021-07-10 18:56
I’ve never done that tutorial, so I might be wrong, but it wants you to do two different conenctions.
You’ve connected timeout() signal to a pressed() functions which is wrong
Tutorial says:
Connect the timeout() signal of MessageTimer
and the pressed() signal of StartButton
and add the following code to the new functions:
So my take is that you should paste provided code into a HUD script:
func _on_StartButton_pressed():
func _on_MessageTimer_timeout():
And do 2 connections.
MessageTimer.timout() signal to _on_MessageTimer_timeout() function
and StartButton.pressed() signal to _on_StartButton_pressed() function
IceExplosive | 2021-07-10 19:03
Alright so I was able to connect those signals correctly but I’m still stuck. I’m near the end of this tutorial. Im at the end of the HUD section and am attempting to test the game. The game starts with the message “Get Ready” overlays the “Dodge the Creeps”. When I press the start button and the text stays on the screen and the mob function executes correctly, but I do not see the player load into the game. The screenshots of the gotdot editor and the debug screen are below:
I compared all of the gd scripts with the working gd scripts from the tutorial and everything looks ok. At this point I am not sure where the problem is. The dubber screen shows one error but I dont think its related:
W 0:00:00.395 The argument 'body' is never used in the function '_on_Player_body_entered'. If this is intended, prefix it with an underscore: '_body'
<Source> Player.gd:47
Also the main scene is selected in the project settings…
Im at a loss at this point what is causing the problem. Please let me know If I need to add anything else to this question to help understand why the game is not running correctly.
trinsic | 2021-07-17 16:27
That warning is not important.
In screenshoot I see:
which is emitting a “start_game” signal.
Is this signal connected? There has to be something that is listening to this signal and will spawn a player character.
Without full code I can only guess.
IceExplosive | 2021-07-18 14:31