New plugin - Debug Parameters - to quickly test your game

Godot Version


New plugin - Debug Parameters

Hello everyone

After some years on Godot, I realized I often have to manually test the same scene with different parameters to cover all use cases
So I thought it would be very useful to have an editor’s plugin to quickly set some parameters for the next run
So I made an addon, a panel where you can can easily add your parameters and set a value to them
Then in your code you can get these value with a simple call to an addon function, for example to initialize your objects
To make thing more efficient, the panel is also available in game, you can set new value from the panel and get these modifications in your code by connecting to a signal exposed by the addon
The addon works with profiles (set of parameters) and always expose the global profile and your current profile (optional)
For example, for my wip rally game, I set the player name in the global profile and I have a specific profile to test the game in hard weather condition, and another one for soft condition
Every modification made in the editor or in game panel is saved and shared accross the two panel
If you close Godot, your panel is rebuilt when you load again your project

I would be happy if some people try it out and give some feedback
I promise that it’s really quick to take a glance on it :slight_smile: and I think the addon could be useful for any kind of game

It’s the classic way to install it, download it from :
and extract debug_parameters into your “addons” folder

Thanks for the feedback, on this thread or on the Github repo GitHub - Yosimitso/debug-parameters: A Godot 4 plugin to get an editor and in game panel to test your game with different parameters


Hope it will be more useful ’

a video on how to use :

about what?