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hey, after I deleted a folder called textures, and then made Textures and moved the old files content onto the new Textures file. There was no error in the editor. I get this after exporting and trying to run my game:
ERROR: No loader found for resource: res://textures/UI Stuff/Menu_Pause/Quit.png. At: core/io/resource_loader.cpp:285 ERROR: poll: res://Scenes/Titlescreen.tscn:6 - Parse Error: [ext_resource] referenced nonexistent resource at: res://textures/UI Stuff/Menu_Pause/Quit.png
I know the problem is with the letter casing and/or using non existent files, but how do I fix that? I tried re-importing, I tried renaming the file to lower-cased, but then it loads from an upper-cased file, I don’t have a clue to fix this, and I didn’t know that exporting files would be case-sensitive.