First, I’m sorry to bother you with such stupid situation
My son is learning Godot by himself (he is 12yo). He’s following Youtube tutorial and he is really happy with Godot so far ! I’m a developer myself, but not a Godot one at all and I really don’t know anything about Godot.
In his last tutorial step, he did “something”, he can’t remember what, but that something made his 2D tab (2D window view? Not sure how you call that) completely brown, with no more origin / x or y axis, and no more window purple delimitation border.
Any Canvas/Label doesn’t show up anymore, here is a screenshot :
I looked on Google, Godot Forum, Godot Docs. I checked if any parameters / properties could have done that, but I feel completely lost, I can’t find any clues and my son is really sad and don’t want to start over the whole tutorial from an empty project.
Could any one gives us some help or any ideas on why this is happening ?
Looks like “endcontainer” node visible is false. Anyway, if you are a developer then study your son the game engine that you use? Also, I believe child can work better than an adult, as of science. So he need to learn Godot step by step properly and need patience.
Hello and thanks for your answer. I’m not sure I understand exacly your answer, but I will try to explain further.
It’s like the 6th or 7th tutorials he is following now, and he started with really basic one. It’s not like he started immediately with a big game or something. And the tutorial is really simple (
if you are a developer then study your son the game engine that you use?
I’m not a game developer, I’m a back-end web developer, I’m not using any game development software.
Looks like “endcontainer” node visible is false
You are right but this has nothing to do with my issue (and I simply forgot to put it on visible again).
I’m really sorry to bother you with something that “seems” simple, but believe-me if I say I really REALLY tried myself to read the doc, forum and everything before asking for help here.
Oh, and I just realized, I don’t have any number any more in the x / y rules (rules are displayed in configuration)
Thanks for your help ! My kid told me about the F shortcut but unfortunatly, that doesn’t work.
What I tried so far :
Restarting Godot
F key on any of the Canvas / Label node
Enabling / disabling grid / rules or any 2D editor option
Deleting the whole UI node and adding a new one
Looking any Size / Translate / scale option
Checking at any zoom level
But I can get my X/Y/Z axes, nor the purple viewport border, nor the origin or the rules again
Fun fact, if I disabled the “rules”, the top and left section where the rules normally are just disappears, and if I enable it again, they come back but without the number int it (like on my screen)
I don’t work with 3D so I am not exactly sure how 2D as a child of it works however the parent node in this scene is a 3D node.
If you switch to 3D view will you not see the 2D canvas layer and its children?
At this point, he will simply start again the tutorial. I’ll keep this project somewhere, so if one day, someone found what we did wrong, I will update this post with the solution.