Optimal way to share projects

Me and my friends want to make a game using godot but we haven’t started coding at all yet because we’re not sure how to share, if we can at all, the project so that all of us can work on it. Is there a way to do this, and if there is, what’s the easiest way?

You can use version control to share your Godot project.

git is probably the defacto standard nowadays, and there are sites that can easily allow you to host a remote repository making it simple to share.

These are some I’ve used before that will allow you to have a private project (although with some limits, like number of collaborators for example).

For example even though I’m not working with anyone, I still “push” all my changes to a private GitHub repo. This gives me a free remote backend and would make it easy to work on my project on multiple computers.

Version control works really well with code and Godot scenes as they plain text. However binary files aren’t so great in version control. Storing raw modelling files (like Blender projects) won’t work so well. So if you want multiple people working on the art assets you might need to come up with a simple versioning number for files and manually share those via Google Drive or something.