Phoenix USC: Phoenix Universe of Space Combat


I just joined the forum and will be positing here about my space combat MMO Phoenix Universe of Space Combat or Phoenix USC. My game project is a full scale MMO complete with an authoritative server. I am currently in the later prototyping stage of development and soon will have an alpha version to test. Phoenix USC is a spiritual remake of SubSpace and Continuum continuing the saga of MMO top-down shooters.

Phoenix USC is being developed in Godot 4 and is a recent conversion of a larger scale Godot 3 project. It uses rigid body physics and is based in 2D using tile map layers and real-time lighting for a unique style and look.

I have included a short video showing a client view of me testing 32 server controlled bots. The bots and players all work with a fully authoritative and encrypted server eliminating cheating. I have written my own server in Godot Script which handles everything including networking (via RPC) and all synchronization.

I will post more on my progress and details here as I continue on in development.

Just saying hello world at the moment. :slight_smile: