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Asked By |
Godot_Starter |
So I have three .png files. The names are Eiche1 ,Eiche2, Eiche3. I want to set one of this .png files to the texture of my sprite. Which one must be random. So I tried this:
var random = RandomNumberGenerator.new()
func _ready():
var random_number = random.randi_range(1,3)
#Now comes the line with the error:
§Sprite.texture = preload("res://Eiche"+str(random_number)+".png")
And I got this error:
Parser Error: expected string constant as ‘preload’ argument.
But I thought the str() Methode would covert the number into a string. So where is my mistack?
Thanks for answers!
Reply From: |
DodoIta |
You should probably use the String
constructor, but I’m not sure about that.
What I would do is $Sprite.texture = preload("res://Eiche%d.png" % random_number)
This should work fine.
Reply From: |
whiteshampoo |
you can’t PREload with varying paths.
As far as i know, this works like this:
preload loads before _ready
and just sets your texture, when i reaches the line.
You could use just load
, but this might give performance-issues, if you use this often.
you could preload all your textures in an array, and choose randomly one of them
OR (maybe the fastes)
you can create a global array (singelton) and choose it randomly from there. So it has to be (pre)loaded only 1 time.
OR (probably the best, thats what i would do)
export an array of textures:
export (Array, Texture) var textures
This has the huge advantage, that you can just drag&drop you textures into an array in the inspector.