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Asked By
Stuart Overton
Can anyone please explain to me what I’m doing wrong?
I want to use a gridmap in my scene.
Here are the steps I take:
create the assets in Blender
export using the better collada exporter
import the created .dae file
convert it to a meshlib
load the meshlib into the theme of a gridmap
make a change to the blend file
repeat steps 2-5
Although the changes are reflected in the imported .dae, after exporting to a meshlib the changes are not indicated in the gridmap when I click on it. I’ve tried a number of things, deleting .import files, closing the scene and reopening, deleting the gridmap from my scene tree and creating a new one. The only thing that seems to work is exporting the meshlib with a different name each time.
Is there something I can do besides renaming the meshlib each time?
I should mention that I’m using Godot 3.0.4.stable.official.d916135 through Steam on an Arch Linux install.