Reset a child node without restarting the whole scene

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Jeremias

How can I make it so I can reset a specific child without having to restart the whole scene

I tried this

var playerScreen=preload("res://playerScreen.tscn")
var t = playerScreen.instance()

  func _input(ev):
	if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_R):

But it just ends up canceling out, I would really appreciate if somebody could help me out

It isn’t really cancelling out though is it?
You remove ‘t’ from the scene tree but ‘t’ still exists exactly as it was when removed.
So then you immediately add it back to the scene tree and you see the same ‘t’ that you just removed.

There is another way to reset your scene (other than the one jgodfrey suggested below).
You can add a reset() function inside your child scene node. This function can then zero out that what needs zeroing and reset that what needs reseting.

func _input(ev):
    if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_R):

LeslieS | 2023-01-06 01:59

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: jgodfrey

If by “reset” you mean to simply start like the node was just created, then… I might suggest that you do just that - just queue_free() the existing node and instance() a new one.

So, something like:

var playerScreen=preload("res://playerScreen.tscn")
var t = playerScreen.instance()

func _input(ev):
    if Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_R):
        if t: queue_free(t)
        t = playerScreen.instance()

Just season to taste…

Hi! Were you able to get this to work? I’m working on a history trivia game with turn-based RPG elements. I can’t seem to reset the battle scene after each battle.

Note: I put the battle scene over the main scene and just show the battle scene when it triggers, and I have a camera that focuses on the battle scene when that happens.

this method isnt great, my scene seems to load before the old one is unloaded, causing issues

You can use call_deferred to wait until the end of the frame to perform the function, and then you can use free instead of queue_free to free the node right away.