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Asked By | myhalibobo |
I created one and I put it in the middle of the screen, but it doesn’t work
extends Node2D
var shape
var bullet
class Bullet:
var pos = Vector2()
var body = RID()
func _draw():
var t = preload("res://bullet.png")
var tofs = -t.get_size()*0.5
draw_texture(t, bullet.pos + tofs)
func _process(delta):
func _ready():
var grivaty = Physics2DServer.area_get_param(get_world_2d().get_space(),Physics2DServer.AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_VECTOR)
bullet =
bullet.body = Physics2DServer.body_create()
shape = Physics2DServer.circle_shape_create ()
Physics2DServer.shape_set_data(shape, 8)
Physics2DServer.body_set_space(bullet.body, get_world_2d().get_space())
Physics2DServer.body_add_shape(bullet.body, shape)
bullet.pos = get_viewport_rect().size/2
var mat = Transform2D()
mat.origin = bullet.pos
Physics2DServer.body_set_state(bullet.body, Physics2DServer.BODY_STATE_LINEAR_VELOCITY, mat)
- Edited for clarity. ~Avencherus
Also, wouldn’t it be a lot easier if you just made a bullet scene then instance and spawn bullets wherever you need them?
SIsilicon | 2018-12-17 02:26
This is just a test that my goal is to create a large number of rigibody2d like objects
myhalibobo | 2018-12-17 09:05