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Asked By | JoltJab |
This might be 2 different questions, but they seem to be related. (TLDR: Why does area2d gravity still effect rigidbody2d even after freed AND no collision? gif at bottom shows problem.)
I have a RigidBody2D with no script on it (it use to but I removed it for this test). Just default stuff set. It does have a sprite of a wooden box and collision shape though.
As well I’ve made an Area2D with a CollisionShape2D child in the shape of a circle. On the Area2D (that I named “Force_Test”) I made it act kind of like a black hole. If the wooden box overlaps it, the box gets sucked into it’s center. As well, in a script on the Area2D (“Force_Test”) I gave it a timer to free itself after 1 second.
I also made a test room with a script on it that allows me to create Force_Test nodes wherever I click.
So here’s my problems. When the Force_Test frees itself, the box still is pulled into it even though it’s gone. And any new Force_Tests put down also pull on the box, even if it’s not overlapping it. However ONLY NEW Force_Tests effect it. Any Force_Tests before the first collision don’t effect it (as shown at the beginning of the gif). How do I fix that? (thank you for taking the time to read)