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Asked By | FellowCoder |
So, i am trying to attach a rope to two different kinematicbodys…
i tried using pinjoint but as one kinematicbody walks away from the other one the rope just glitchs
i also used rigidBodys and that actually worked but using rigidbodys dont work for some parts of the game(Also, i am almost done with that game and the kinematicbody have almost 600 lines of code in it)
Is it possible to attach a rope to a kinematicBody? If so, how?
sorry for my bad english btw
RazorSh4rk | 2020-05-19 20:04
Already saw it, he uses rigidbodys…
But thanks for trying to help ^^
FellowCoder | 2020-05-19 20:56
What exactly are you trying to do with the rope? Is it purely visual? Than you might give verlet integration a try. Or do you want to limit how far players can move from each other by the length of the rope? You’ll have to code this yourself I think.
njamster | 2020-05-19 21:39
A limit like in the video RazorSh4rk sent me but with kinematicsbody2d
FellowCoder | 2020-05-19 23:14