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Asked By | Puresilence2002 |
i have a Player that moves with tween:
$Tween.interpolate_property(self, "position", self.position, target_position,0.15, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_IN)
yield($Tween, "tween_completed")
The Camera is a child of Player. When i have “Project Settings, General, Display, Window, Use Vsync = ON” the movement and scrolling is totally choppy and stuttering. The fps are steady at 60.
When i have “Use Vsync = OFF” the scrolling is totally smooth and perfect. The fps are 2500+.
Any idea why the scrolling at 60 fps is messed up?
I use Godot 3.2 Stable. It is a very tiny project as i am just starting. No game logic at all. Just a TileMap and a player moving.
Which kind of PhysicsBody is the player node using? Is it a KinematicBody or RigidBody?
Calinou | 2020-03-12 13:57
Hi Calinou,
it is just a Node2D. I need no physics. I use the tween to move the character like in the demo project “2D/grid_based_movement”.
Puresilence2002 | 2020-03-12 20:28