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Asked By | idbrii |
DmitriySalnikov’s godot_debug_draw_3d
is great for 3d, but is there an equivalent for 2d? Custom drawing in 2D with _draw
is too cumbersome.
I want to specify a shape and some positions for debug drawing that can be disabled in production builds.
GodotDebugDraw has an api that looks promising, but it doesn’t work in Godot 4:
func _process(delta):
var screen_centre = get_viewport().size/2
DebugDraw2D.draw_circle(screen_centre, 25, 16, Color(1, 1, 1))
DebugDraw2D.draw_rect_filled(screen_centre - Vector2(100, -100), Vector2(20, 10), Color(1, 1, 1))
DebugDraw2D.draw_circle_arc(screen_centre + Vector2(100, 0), 25, 45, 135, true, 16, Color(1, 1, 1))
DebugDraw2D.draw_arrow_vector(screen_centre + Vector2(125, 110), Vector2(-50, 0), Color(1, 1, 1), 5)
Is there something like that for Godot 4? The Asset Library currently shows zero results.