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Asked By | brazmogu |
So, GDScript allows static typing, which means defining the type of a variable, a very useful feature for, among other things, completion and reference.
Problem is, it seems it cannot be used to define the type of elements in an array (arrays, like in Python, can contain any type of data) and because of that I can’t enjoy the advantages of static typing when iterating through an array.
Is there anyway to do something like this
for i in range(len(someArray)):
var iterator:someType = someArray[i]
But instead as something like
for iterator:someType in someArray:
You can’t force the assignment of types in a ‘for’ loop, as each element the ‘for’ keyword loops over already has a different type.
asetyowatir | 2020-10-26 03:29
Well… they can, but shouldn’t I be able to declare to the code that I expect them not to?
brazmogu | 2020-11-04 22:33
Not really, as far as I’ve been able to determine. Like many dynamic languages, GDScript does not differentiate between the collection of arbitrary types (GDScripts Array), collections of fixed types (like NumPy’s ndarray), and collections of a class or below. I had to code around to get array’s of resources to auto populate with the right types and it still seems buggy.
CharlesMerriam | 2020-11-05 07:15