Structs with 2D arrays in GDscript

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By nekojita

Hi all! Carrying over some code from a Columns puzzle clone. I’m trying to produce the gdscript equivalent of:

typedef struct TILE
int x,y,type;
TILE grid[16][16];

grid[0][0].type = 3

int x = 0;
int y = 0;
for(a = 0; a < 16; a++)
	for(b = 0; b < 16; b++)
		grid[a][b].x = x;
		grid[a][b].y = y;
		y += 16;
	x += 16;
	y = 0;

So just a struct to a 2D array, giving the tiles as many properties as desired. Would anyone know how all this might be written in gdscript? Been stumbling on it for a while! Thanks!!

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: newold

You can use Dictionary:

var grid = null

func get_default_tile(): -> Dictionary
     var tile = {}
     tile.x = 0
     tile.y = 0
     tile.type = 0
     return tile

func get_tile_grid(width, height): -> Array
    grid = []
    for x in range(width):
        grid [x]=[]
        for y in range(height):
            grid [x][y]= get_default_tile()
    return grid

func _ready():
    grid = get_tile_grid(16, 16)
    # change tile 0, 1:
    grid[0][1].x = 100
    grid[0][1].y = 200
    grid[0][1].type = 10

Thanks! Got it working borrowing a couple changes from a similar Q&A on here for 2D arrays, only now with the dictionary. Going to roll with this and see how it goes!

var grid = null

func get_default_tile() -> Dictionary:
        var tile = {}
        tile.x = 0
        tile.y = 0
        tile.type = 0
        return tile

func get_tile_grid(width, height) -> Array:
    	grid = []
    	for x in range(width):
    		grid.append([]) #changed from grid [x]=[]
    		for y in range(height):
    			grid[x].append(0) #added this
    			grid[x][y]= get_default_tile()
    	return grid

func _ready():
        grid = get_tile_grid(16, 16)

nekojita | 2019-07-14 15:59

Dictionary is a reference type, so it is not a replacement for struct

Goral | 2020-04-26 13:28