Thoughts on some of the current "Indie Dev" mindsets

as long as it’s not boring it’s fine?

Yes, games are a very broad category, and there will inevitably be similar features and gameplay at some point, such as most FPS games having guns where left-click shoots and right-click scopes. It’s important to distinguish between what is a ripoff and what is an innovation.

To summarize, you can clone other projects for educational and non-commercial purposes, but it’s better to avoid cloning for commercial projects.

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Stealing ideas and concepts is okay as long as you don’t create a ripoff, but stealing products and code is a definite no.

Like calculus, perhaps they did not copy from each other. :laughing: we either.
Back to the point, my goal is to develop a game with a personal touch.

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This is… PURE IMPUDESE! knows how to start a good conversation.

It isn’t bad for new devs because it lets them learn things and have a clear set of things needed to complete so their game is similar to the original