but here’s the thing… what is a ripoff???
If you say that having the same mechanics of another game, then it’s a game in the same genre…
Otherwise, we would need to call every single game under the Souls-like genre as a ripoff of Demon/Dark-Souls… even BloodBorne, that is exactly the same thing under the Noir theme with a gun to “parry”.
The same would go to all those games under the Metroidvania…
From my view, a ripoff is more clear on mobile and very simple games, such as Flap Bird, where you do 100% the same thing, changing basically the sprites.
I honestly don’t see a problem with Ripoffs. Especially if you are learning…
I’m currently working on a prototype of a airport manager in 3D… I’ve played a lot of Airport CEO, and saw some stuff of Sim Airport… and both covered pretty much everything I can think of this theme, so I would be doing only a ripoff if I don’t bring anything new to the table? I want to make some stuff a bit different, but not that different that you would call it NEW…
In the end, it’s just a matter of consumers… does not matter if there’s a bunch of 50 shades of Call of Duty… you either buy or not.
And from a business point of view, it’s a matter of how many people are you going to reach and what are you offering them. Risky moves are more rewardable but the fail is also big(Concord is there as proof). Being conservative, might give you less money, but is more manageable.
Imagine if the Super Meat Boy had failed… Those 2 guys worked their asses, burnt all the money they had… and they had experience before…They could had been bankrupted.
That’s why every single indie game company I’ve seen always says to know your market, keep scope as simple as possible. Then… when you have revenue enough, then you risk. And even if the risk paid of, you don’t risk again right away. You keep on small scopes, build some money, then take another risk…