Trying to Replicate a Tutorial without Success:) Can you help me?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By unholy182000

Hello eveyone
I am trying to replicate a youtube tutorial but i’m stuck.Can you help me?
The tutorial is this

My project as a .rar file

Basically i stuck in a line that have .z property but godot doesn’t get what taht is. I think it is z_index and i tried to correct that but no success.

Game works at least functionality wise but procedural drawing shows nothing.
It is hard to explain if you watch tutorial and check my project you would understand.
Thanks for any help.

I wouldn’t expect people to blindly watch a complete tutorial and sift through your project with no indication of what/where the problem is. If the problematic code is referenced in the video, please at least provide a timestamp where that can be viewed. Also, where in your code is the problem?

In short, you’re more likely to get assistance if you provide enough information to make it easy for people to help - don’t make them guess…

jgodfrey | 2020-11-15 17:24

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: unholy182000
extends Node2D

var newMoto = load("res://SCENES/Moto.tscn")
var moto; var width = 1024; var height = 600
var lines = []; var col; var grass; var road; var border; var divid_line
var pos = 0; var num; var skyline; var skln_pos = 0; var skln_h = 0
export var road_width = 2000
export var seg = 200
export var cam = 0.8

func _ready():
	moto = newMoto.instance()
	moto.set_position(Vector2(width/2+50, height-100))
	moto.set_scale(Vector2(2, 2))
	skyline = $Sprite
	for i in range(1600):
		lines.push_back({x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, X = 0, Y = 0, W = 0, scale = 0, curve = 0 })
		lines[i].z = i*seg
		if (i>300 && i<700):
			lines[i].curve = 0.5
		if (i>800 && i<1200):
			lines[i].curve = -0.7
		if (i>750):
			lines[i].y = sin(i/30.0 - 25)*1500
		if (i>1200):
			lines[i].curve = 0.2
	num = lines.size()
func line(Line,cam_x,cam_y,cam_z):
	Line.scale = cam / (Line.z - cam.z)
	Line.X = (1 + Line.scale*(Line.x - cam_x)) * width/2
	Line.Y = (1 + Line.scale*(Line.y - cam_y)) * height/2
	Line.W = Line.scale * road_width * (width/2)
	return Line
func drawRoad(col,x1,y1,w1,x2,y2,w2):
	var point = [Vector2(int(x1-w1), int(y1)), Vector2(int(x2-w2), int(y2)),
	Vector2(int(x2+w2), int(y2)), Vector2(int(x1+w1), int(y1))]
	draw_primitive(PoolVector2Array(point), PoolColorArray([col,col,col,col,col]), PoolVector2Array([]))
func _draw():
	pos += 200
	if pos == 320000:
		pos = 0
	while (pos >= num*seg):
		pos -=num*seg
	while (pos < 0):
		pos += num*seg
	var num_pos = 0
	var start_point = pos/seg
	var cam_h = 1500 + lines[start_point].y
	var cutoff = height
	var x = 0
	var dx = 0
	skln_pos +=lines[start_point].curve * 2.0
	skln_h = -lines[start_point].y * 0.005
	skyline.set_region_rect(Rect2(skln_pos, skln_h, 1920, 320))
	var dir = lines[start_point].curve
	if dir >= 0.5:
		moto.rule = 3
#		moto.img.set_hidden(false)
	if dir < 0.5 and dir > -0.5:
		moto.rule = 2
#		moto.img.set_hidden(false)
	if dir <= - 0.5:
		moto.rule = 1
#		moto.img.set_hidden(false)
	for n in range (start_point, start_point + 300):
		if n >= num:
			num_pos = num * seg
			num_pos = 0
		var l = line(lines[fmod(n,num)], -x, cam_h, pos - num_pos)
		var p = lines[fmod(n-1, num)]
		x += dx
		dx += l.curve
		if l.Y >= cutoff:
		cutoff = l.Y
		if fmod((n/3),2):
			border = Color(1,1,1)
			road = Color(.42,.42,.42)
			border = Color(0,0,0)
			road = Color(.4,.4,.4)
		if fmod((n/9),2):
			divid_line = Color(0,0,0)
			grass = Color(.2,.2,.2)
			divid_line = Color(1,1,1)
			grass = Color(.8,.8,.8)
		drawRoad(grass, 0, p.Y, width, 0, l.Y, width)
		drawRoad(border, p.X, p.Y, p.W*1.2, l.X, l.Y, l.W*1.2)
		drawRoad(road, p.X, p.Y, p.W, l.X, l.Y, l.W)
		drawRoad(divid_line, p.X, p.Y, p.W*0.01, l.X, l.Y, l.W*0.01)
func _process(delta):
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: unholy182000

Line.scale = cam / (Line.z - cam.z)
says invalid get index ‘z’

I’d assume that’s a reference to the cam.z (not Line.z) and should be changed to cam_z (based on the arguments being passed to that function)…

jgodfrey | 2020-11-15 18:21

And, use the “Comment” function of the forum, rather than posting additional content as an “Answer”…

jgodfrey | 2020-11-15 18:58