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Super excited to find a free, open source, well-documented engine to begin some kind of game-making journey on, but wait, what’s this?
This can’t be right; on the download page it says I need “OpenGL 2.1 / OpenGL ES 2.0 compatible hardware” but I checked and I’ve got version 3.1 which should be more than enough (unless I’m misunderstanding).
I’ve tried updating every driver I can find but nothing is helping. Is this a fixable issue or is my hardware actually not good enough?
Your graphics adapter doesn’t support OpenGL 3.3, which is required to use the GLES3 renderer. Therefore, the editor is falling back to the low-end GLES2 renderer. Double-check the video driver used in the Project Settings; it should be GLES2, as this is the only video driver supported by your hardware.
If GLES3 isn’t supported, the editor will fall back to GLES2 automatically when opening a GLES3 project. However, this doesn’t apply to running projects by default (unless you enable Rendering > Quality > Driver > Fallback To Gles2 in the Project Settings), so it will fail to run the project in this case.