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Asked By | Olaf007 |
Hi, recently I created a simple 3D-Scene in GLES2 with the default environment and no others nodes than the root-Spatial, ARVROrigin + Camera and a PlaneMeshInstance. I implemented the “Native mobile”-VR-Server-Script and exported the project to Android so I can see how it runs.
BUT: The game - without any objects - achieves barely 23 FPS.
My phone is not the newest but I can play multiple Google-Cardboard-Games fluently. And on the other hand, an empty Godot-Scene can not make more then 23 FPS. Is there any setting that tramandously increases the framerate?
In fact, at least 30 FPS should be a minimum for any VR-experience!
is vsync turned on? and what resolution are you running at? try to adjust both.
Jason Swearingen | 2020-02-04 12:51
Yes, VSync was on but it did not changed anything on my mobile device: still 23 FPS whereas my laptop runs it with over 600 FPS without VSync now. How can I change the resolution? Changing width and heigth does not seem to effect the resolution on smartphones and I cannot pack the scene into a viewport because then VR is not rendered anymore.
Thank you.
Olaf007 | 2020-02-04 17:21
The Godot devs said that it’s relatively beta and then theirs the fact that its vr so it might be your phone.
Merlin1846 | 2020-02-08 04:30