Hello! I have recently created a library for frequently used code, but I have no idea how to extend it, so I decided to ask your ideas, what functions do you use a lot?
Maybe I can help your code by expanding this library
Thank you in advance.
I have one Global autoload which houses lots of universally used methods. As I like working with Tweens, I got global methods to make objects appear and disappear.
func appear(object) -> void:
create_tween().tween_property(object, "modulate", Color.WHITE, 1.0)
func disappear(object) -> void:
var tween = create_tween()
tween.tween_property(object, "modulate", Color.TRANSPARENT, 1.0)
tween.finished.connect(func(): object.hide())
There are also some others like pausing and unpausing, or waiting a float amount of seconds. The latter has the problem that i need to add the await keyword.
await Global.delay(1.5)
Me too, but I don’t use it for frequently used functions, because that makes it impossible for me to use it in every project (because every program has its own global variables); That’s why I decided to make this project.
I am working on these things you mentioned.
Do you keep other functions in your Global autoload?
this one
because every program has its own global variables
I trying make my base code not depends on global things,
I have base class with logic and expected returns
sorry is C# but I mainly work with it
public abstract partial class ConditionValidator : Resource
public abstract bool Validate();
now i can make lots custom Validators they can connect to globals and return me true or false on Validate();
My most used C# interface is
public interface IDamageable<T>
void Damage(T damageTaken);
is generic but usually use float anyway
I actually have a number of Autoloads that all serve specific functions
- Global: houses globally available methods to be used by all objects (sometimes I also called it
) - Connect: has all signals (I dont declare signals inside of classes or other scripts)
- Path: has all resource and filepaths (I dont declare paths inside of classes or other scripts)
- Session: has methods and variables in concern to game session and savedata
back to the Global autoload of mine, many methods are also debug methods so i can print out whatever i require, or abuse the Global methods to shift data from one object to another object that have no way to communicate with each other.
static func ReverseDic(D:Dictionary):
var R:Dictionary={}
for K in D.keys():
return R
I thank you very much! I’ve added the code I found here, although I’m still unable to add some things (I’m not very good at C#). Check out what I’ve added, I hope it’s helpful!
I found a solution to the problem (necessary to use await) and this led me to add a lot of things that are very useful:
You can also use this method to write await Global.delay(1.5), but I recommend using SLib, it’s all ready!