I suppose that is rather a constant dictionary, not a dictionary of constants; you can modify the dictionary at runtime, including modifying or deleting keys. Further, semantically, an enum type should probably be used primarily as a set of unique keys, not as list of constants.
An enum is a keyword used in gdscript for making a bunch of related constants.
enum {CONST1, CONST2, SO_ON}
# Would be the same as
const CONST1 = 0
const CONST2 = 1
const SO_ON = 2
As you can see, the constants’ default values are incremented numbers starting from zero. Some of these constants can be given a different value on assignment.
enum {DEFAULT, CUSTOM = 20}
# Would be the same as
const DEFAULT = 0
const CUSTOM = 20
They can also be assigned with another word to create a dictionary holding multiple constants.
# Would be the same as
const State = {
*Note: as of Godot 3.1, accessing enumerators like the last one would require prepending the name of the dictionary plus a . operator.
STATE_IDLE # Worked prior to Godot 3.1 alpha 3
State.STATE_IDLE # only working way as of mentioned version
I realized that enums can be used to do states systems for the player character, for example.