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Asked By | wowzzers |
I disable physical skeleton (ragdoll) so the player won’t collide with it in the scene. When my enemy dies I re-enable it. But it loses gravity and starts to float around. What is the problem?
Here’s the code:
if !is_dead:
for b in $mesh/bones/skeleton.get_children():
if b is PhysicalBone:
for c in b.get_children():
if c is CollisionShape:
c.disabled = true
for b in $mesh/bones/skeleton.get_children():
if b is PhysicalBone:
for c in b.get_children():
if c is CollisionShape:
c.disabled = false
if is_dead:
for c in get_children():
if c is CollisionShape:
c.disabled = true
And here is the video.
I tried re-setting parameters like this (doesn’t help):
b.mass = 1
b.weight = 9.8
b.gravity_scale = 1