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Published before Godot 3 was released.
I don’t seem to be able to properly search this in the QA since “://” does not seem to be part of the actual query run. So sorry if this was answered before.
I saved a file at “user://config.ini” on Mac, but I ran find and nothing came up in the search. Is it not saved in plain file systems?
In some devices (for example, mobile and consoles) this path is unique for the app. Under desktop operating systems, the engine uses the typical ~/.Name (check the project name under the settings) in OSX and Linux, and APPDATA/Name for Windows.
Thanks @duke_meister. That helped! Apparently my Mac falls in the “use_godot” case somehow. And also I found Godot has changed my file name from “config.ini” to “config” (stripping off the suffix)
azurvii | 2016-05-23 07:03
Aha, so I found that Godot didn’t strip my file name, it was me who "export"ed the var in the script, and set the initial value to “user://config”, and that’s stuck within this project. I didn’t notice that lol.
azurvii | 2016-05-24 02:38
Where can I find the saved file in Android? I can find it anywhere after exporting my game and saving in-game
richvolter15 | 2020-02-29 05:55
I just tested this on Windows 10. On that platform, user:// maps to
c:\users[user]\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata[name of the Godot project]
Side note: You can also use Project > Open User Data Folder to find the location of the user data folder for your own platform.
You forgot Android: /data/data/ or /storage usually /sdcard/Android/data/ can even be /emulated/0/Android/data/ Web Opera Browser keeps it in the cache dir set in opera:config
Wakatta | 2023-01-04 02:54
Thanks, that’s great - I didn’t know about those actually!