Why is godot not coming to gsoc?

Godot has been participating in Google Summer of code 2022 and before but neither in gsoc 2023 nor 2024. Why is godot not participating in gsoc considering it is actually a very helpful way to add complex features or improvements to the engine also while establishing presence among the open source community.


Maybe because Google’s policy of personal data collection and total surveillance doesn’t sit well with the principles of freedom?

I doubt that this is the reason. :wink: Godot participated in GSOC before, and just recently collaborated with Google on improving the Vulkan backend. Not to forget that Google Play is a platinum sponsor of the engine.

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That’s exactly what makes it wary.

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We have decided not to participate in gsoc in recent years because we don’t have enough people to be mentors. The few contractors we have are already busy with way too many tasks to add more on top of it. If we are able to grow the team in the future, we will participate again, but at the moment we can’t really commit resources to it.