2 more bugs in the Inventory system


Will you send the project? (Its not possible to fix a big problem without a project)

yes i will… just a bit personal problem sorry for making u wait

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I sent it

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Yeah, just opened your project as I am working on my project. Please tell me what I need to do, I run the inventory scene but its showing no item on slot

the items u should pick up from the map scene, there are no items inside it. its an empty inventory

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Ok, I will check that project after a few mins.

take your time mate… and thank you

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I will try my best to fix it tommorrow

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thank you very much
also can I bother you with another thing?

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What thing?

the shooting animation I want to activate while aiming, it does but when the cursor moves the animation doesnt change
mofatesh aim
am I explaining good?

Hmmm, is it in the project? (I am busy on my project but I will check yours after an hour)

If you like to contact me on Discord, then send me a friend request in king_game_developer (will change to my studio name soon)

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yeah its in the project, player file, the shooting doesnt happen the script for the bullet manager isnt in the project

i did mate

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