Godot Version
I’m creating a platformer with slope physics where you can run up a curved surface. After implementing a run button, I found that moving too fast compared to a curve can make it so that you miss the slope. So, I decided that if the player is moving too fast, their velocity will be cut up and then applied bit by bit in a single frame, inside a for loop. It doesn’t seem to be working though, and I can’t find where my error is.
var last_rotation = null
var last_pivotpos = null
var rotation_difference = null
var pivot_difference = null
speed = abs(velocity.length())
var xSpeed = velocity.x
print("speed = " + str(speed))
if (velocity.length() * delta) > maxStep and is_on_ground:
var z = ceil(velocity.length() * delta / maxStep)
var return_velocity = velocity / z
print("velocity = " + str(velocity))
print("z = " + str(z))
print("return velocity = " + str(return_velocity))
for n in z:
return_velocity = move_and_slide(return_velocity.rotated(rotation), Vector2.UP.rotated(rotation)).rotated(-rotation)
print("return velocity = " + str(return_velocity))
if is_on_ground:
if return_velocity.length() != (speed / z) and return_velocity.x != 0:
return_velocity = return_velocity.normalized() * (xSpeed / z)
print("return velocity = " + str(return_velocity))
was_on_ground = is_on_ground
is_on_ground = (rayCollisionID != 0 and not rayGroundDistance > rayHalfLength)
print("rotation before = " + str(rotation))
if is_on_ground:
if return_velocity.y > 0:
return_velocity.y = 0
var floorAdjust = Vector2(0, -rayHalfLength + raycastSlopeCase("groundDistance")).rotated(rotation)
position += floorAdjust
last_rotation = rotation
if not rayCollisionID == 0:
if (not rayCollisionID == 5) and (not rayCollisionID == 1) and (not rayCollisionID == 2):
rotation = raycastCollisionCase("normal2").angle() + (PI / 2)
rotation = raycastCollisionCase("normal").angle() + (PI / 2)
if not was_on_ground:
rotation_difference = rotation - last_rotation
return_velocity = return_velocity.rotated(-rotation_difference)
if last_rotation != rotation:
if raycastSlopeCase("groundDistance") > rayHalfLength:
floorAdjust = Vector2(0, -rayHalfLength + raycastSlopeCase("groundDistance")).rotated(rotation)
position += floorAdjust
if not is_on_ground:
if rotation_degrees != 0:
last_rotation = rotation_degrees
last_pivotpos = pivotCounter.global_position
rotation_degrees = 0
rotation_difference = rotation_degrees - last_rotation
pivot_difference = last_pivotpos - pivotCounter.global_position
return_velocity = return_velocity.rotated(deg2rad(-rotation_difference))
position = position + pivot_difference / 2
print("rotation after = " + str(rotation))
print("return velocity before = " + str(return_velocity))
return_velocity *= z
print("return velocity after = " + str(return_velocity))
print("return velocity speed = " + str(abs(return_velocity.length())))
velocity = return_velocity
If I could get any help on this, it’d be greatly appreciated. Here’s an output log for one of the loops, as well.
speed = 93.94442
velocity = (74.150085, 57.682919)
z = 2
return velocity = (37.075043, 28.841459)
return velocity = (37.075043, 28.841459)
rotation before = -0.785398
rotation after = -0.785398
return velocity = (37.075043, 0)
return velocity = (37.075043, 0)
rotation before = -0.785398
rotation after = 0
return velocity before = (26.216013, -26.216013)
return velocity after = (52.432026, -52.432026)
return velocity speed = 74.150085