3D Models into billboards sprites

Godot Version

4.3 stable


Okay so let me give a video example to start, in that youtube link at 3:55 you can see a cow, it like billboards about as a 2d sprite but it changes from where your looking at its animation. is there a way to make it where i could make a 3d model then have it automatically through some sort of Visual Effect be turned into a billboard sprite?

I’m VERY new to Godot so keep that in mind but ill never learn if I don’t do so ill try my best, I just don’t know where to start

(I’m making a 3d game, its mostly just for style. if advised ill probably drop it but i want to atleast try)

Create a 3D sprite, with the image you want, and add it to your 3D scene. Mark its “billboard” property so that it always faces the camera.

no like A 3D MODEL, that is a 3d and like a 3d model but it looks like a 3D sprite

I just think it looks like a 3D sprite because the colors are mixing and there are no shadows (unshaded). They are models based on cubes, I don’t find it very surprising.
I suppose that with a shader you can obtain the projection of the model with respect to the camera and display it.
In Godot you can also use viewports to show things in the 3D world in 2D. Then that could be put into the 3D world again.
With both shaders and viewports I wouldn’t know how to do it.

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okay well i had a similar idea but thank you! ill tell you how it goes

ill keep this open just in case someone comes along with a technical anwser

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