3D Sidescroller RunNGun

I decided to create a 3D side scrolling run and gun for mobile

This is inspired by Contra, Megaman, Metal Slugs. It is not a true 3D, just a classic 2d run’gun mechanic with 3D models. Story would be like “escape from new York/ LA” type but more disgusting creatures emerges as you get to later stages. (At least 5 stages are planned but let’s see if there could be more)

This is what I have done so far.



WASD control with 8 ways diagonal aim, jump, shoot, weapon switch.

Running ground enemy
-Just run at you
-appears constantly when in the right zone
-only 3 on screen at a time

8 ways shooting turret
-aim at player, limit to 8 directions.

Moving Platforms:
Each done in different ways using codes, Path3D, animation, and tween. All are working as intended.

Coins popping when certain enemies are killed

still need to make coins disappears after few seconds.
need to fix coins doubling if killed with 2 or more bullets at the same time.

To do list:
-Scoring, Health bar, other UI elements.
-Player actions (Crouching, platform drop down, Ledge grab, and Rope Hanging)
-More weapons (laser, missile, flame thrower)
-More types of enemy (Flying, grenade throwing, tanks, bosses)


Update player’s interaction and collapse platform


Done some player weapons: Normal, Spread, Flame, Laser, and Heatseeking missile.

Next up will do some variations of enemy weapons.

Then will be putting the first level together and start player modelling/animations.

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Been testing a few different enemy types and shootings.

Ground enemy type:

  • Run and jump attack
  • Straight shooter
  • Throwing attack
  • Left/Right patrol
  • Crawling
  • Bouncing

Fly type:

  • Up/Down sine pattern
  • Tween pattern
  • Wander and chase player if close enough

Turret type:

  • 8 ways aim shooter
  • Limited angle shooter
  • Burst shooter
  • Spin shooter
  • Curve sine bullet shooter
  • Bullet hell style shooter

Next will finally start on visuals. Time to fire up my blender program.

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Little update on animation tree blending using placeholder model from makehuman software and a quick rig for testing.

Can’t decide if I should flip the model (so he looks the same on both side) or keep it natural as is (see his back when turning left)

I put visual/animation on hold and went back to update my player control. New features are:

  • Now with Enum/Match statemachine
  • Climb ladder with shooting directions
  • Ledge grab with shooting directions
  • Rail hang with shooting directions

Took me awhile to figure all the logics out. I had to separate the body, the aiming, and the raycasts detection into individual function group so I can update them in each state.

I think I pretty much got what I wanted to work. Will continue on with visuals/animations next.

Quick update:

Add another version of player control to work with keyboard and mouse

  • A/D = Left/Right
  • W/S = Climb Ladder Up/Down/Crouching
  • LMB = Shoot
  • Aiming is now done with mouse.
  • Still not yet decide which button to jump (Either press W or Spacebar or RMB). I will add animations and some enemies to playtest it first to see how it feels.

Will truly start modelling and animation now finally

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eyyy dude that looks really awsome !!!

do you have a discord i can contact you with ?

Sorry no discord. All the mechanics I got are from online tutorials/forum questions. So if you have any specific question then I could point you to the tutorial for it.