Add auto baking for occlusion culling!

Godot Version



this new update added practically nothing, its been years, people have been asking. Currently Occlusion culling is based on Occlusion Instances, the Bake Occluder is accessed in the Editor.
This means there is no way to dynamically Generate Occlusion Meshes at all, there is no way to Convert an Array mesh into a Occluder “Array Mesh Occluder”, This is standard for Unity, Unreal, and Any other game engine.
I have worked too long on this project, added greedy meshing, and Slaved away to optimize this just to realize that godot does NOT support Auto baking Occluders. If this does not get added, I’m switching to unity or unreal.

Unity’s built-in occlusion culling performs runtime calculations on the CPU, which can offset the CPU time that it saves. Occlusion culling is therefore most likely to result in performance improvements when a Project is GPU-bound due to overdraw. Unity loads occlusion culling data into memory at runtime

Take a look at godot-proposals repo and see if something similar has been discussed/proposed. Volounteers and devs who work on the project usually need to collect tons of feedback from many people with different backgrounds in order to reach consensus and start implementing said proposal. Godot has had technical contribution guidelines since it’s inception and it even evolves syncing with other devs on rocket chat.

I speak this all as the user of the engine, and I have always noticed that if there is enough discussion and need for something, it gets implemented within 1 to 2 minor version releases (great example is embedding game within the engine, which sparked when infamous Unity event happened, which is now in 4.4), unless change itself requires some big refactoring of some kind.

So best way for your voice to be heard is to discuss changes in proposals, or create a new one if it does not exist already.

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I have read that proposal