Next I was thinking of adding collisions to the edges, so when I eventually create a player, i can keep them in bounds.
What process should I approach next?
Should I create a player and movement?
Or focus on creating these collision layers first.
I’ve done a little searching and found that Masks look for collisions with layers. I don’t have any specific layers or masks nor do I know how to set them up.
Tilesets have a collision-layer/mask and you can add collisions inside your tilesets aswell with the “paint” tool. But watch out, isometric collisions can be tricky. It doesnt really matter if you create the player first or not
Hmm Yeah I was thinking of creating a collision box. Just the shape of my 64x32 tile. Then placing it over my area I want blocked. Giving it the collision properties it needs and then setting it to invisible.
And I’m assuming that collision box would be imported to be an Atlas?