What’s the best way to learn Godot while balancing university and social life
I can only speak regarding my own experience. Firstly, read the Godot Doc’s, they are extremely useful. Secondly, do the your first game tutorial within the Docs. And thirdly just start playing and try to write something simple, fail, fix, fret and try again and so forth.
I’ve found it best to try yourself rather than following tutorials, not that they don’t have their place, but you learn better by doing, not copying.
Also balance all this with your work/uni/life balance, if you don’t feel like coding then don’t, you have to have the motivation to learn as well. Family / Uni / Life / and everything else comes first, learning Godot happens after all the important stuff.
Start with the below.
Balance is hard.
I walk through the tutorials, read forums, and the documentation. Like most will suggest.
But looking at the balance aspect. I find I learn best in 3 to 4-Hour chunks of time. So I set aside two sessions every week to be at the computer actively working a game. Then I spend time here and there throughout the week reading about creating games and thinking of what I want to create.
It’s a bit of a slower pace, and works for me.
I learn best by doing. I get an idea and work towards it. If i have no idea where to start on an aspect I watch tutorials related to it or ask on the forums. I’ve never done the tutorials, I get discouraged by copying others work.
If I don’t know how a node or function works, otherwise I don’t read the documentation haha. Probably not the best approach, but I learn how things work by trying them out. There are a lot of stuff in the documentation that I don’t need to know yet.