An exported float property becomes an int type!

Godot Version



I want to export a float property to the inspector. However, when I used @export_range annotation and set step to 1, it will be shown as an int type in the inspector. And whatever I changed the value, it always be an int!

Show us the complete export export line, please.

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The export line just like this:

@export_range(-10.5, 10.5, 1.0) var value: float = 3.14

As long as the step is set to 1, no matter what the value is set, it always be shown an int value in the inspector.
屏幕截图 2024-12-27 053831

You told Godot to snap the selected value to multiples of 1.0, which can be converted to an integer in the inspector. This looks like a bug in the inspector, which should, in my opinion, always use the declared type.

First, as explained by @soapspangledgames the problem here is you’re snapping the value to multiplies of 1 so you’ll never be able to set the decimal values.

Second, you variable is not turning into a int, is just the editor that don’t show the decimal numbers as they are unecessary (all zeros), you can confirm that with a print(typeof(value)) that will print 3:
