Godot Version
4.2.2 & 4.3 RC2
So i have a animated terrain like 3 frames similar at this:
All tiles share the same parameters:
- 3 animation variant per tile
- Same
time per Tile
- Same offset in the Spritesheet
i see this tutorial that help doing the proper way right now How to create an animated tile in Godot 4's tilemaps | foosel.net
But i have a some issues right now:
- Doing the tutorial, there a lot of tiles to animate: for each type of surface there 48 animable tiles, so its become a repetitive process to quickly.
was deprecated but was the more effective way before.
its incompatible with TileMaps
& TileMapLayers
There 2 options i wouldn’t try yet:
- Make Custom Flipbook Shader for the tile system and apply to each tile.
- Make an Script that automate the
Tutorial Way
So. my question its what the best approach in this case? i missing something?
Well i tried to automate via a tool Script and it works!
here is the code in my case:
extends EditorScript
##select custom tileSet to animate
const tileset: TileSet = preload("res://enviroment/tilesets/base_01/base_01_tilseset_og.tres")
const tile_path_save: String ="res://enviroment/tilesets/base_01/base_01_tilseset_result.tres"
const FRAME_DURATION: float = 0.16
const FRAME_OFFSET: Vector2 = Vector2(0,7)
const NUMBER_OF_FRAMES: int = 3
func _run():
var source: TileSetSource = tileset.get_source(0)
if source is not TileSetAtlasSource:
source = source as TileSetAtlasSource
for i in source.get_tiles_count():
var id: Vector2i = source.get_tile_id(i)
source.set_tile_animation_separation(id, FRAME_OFFSET)
source.set_tile_animation_frames_count(id, NUMBER_OF_FRAMES)
for j in source.get_tile_animation_frames_count(id):
source.set_tile_animation_frame_duration(id,j, FRAME_DURATION)
var result = ResourceSaver.save(tileset.duplicate(),
if result == OK:
print("tileset saved in: " + tile_path_save)
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