when using 2 enemies on a level ( enemy01.tscn )
the animated texture frames on enemie2 will change the frames on enemie1… impossible to make the animated tuxture unique in scene.
when clicking “manadge object properties” on the editor - then “make sub-resource unique”
theres an internal error:
editor/editor_node.cpp:8070 - Condition “plugins_list.has(p_plugin)” is true.
to change the sprite of a body part…
Before i was using all the body parts has a seperate scene then draged that scene on to the enemy, ive made the nodes inside guard01 scene to see if it would solve the bug, but it doesnt do anything… The player seems to run fine and has the same code
it doesnt seem to work…
Iam not sure what is happening, it worked for the torso ( 01Torso1 ) but the head ( 01Head1 ) keeps changing its frame to the same frame of the second enemy. I even try to set local to scene in all the head texture frames but it doesnt seem to work.
there s also another problem Animated texture now in 4.4.7 doesnt seem to work with pointLight2D.
var mzl01 = muzzle01.instantiate();
E 0:00:02:0780 player.gd:379 @ shoot01(): Cannot get path of node as it is not in a scene tree.
<C++ Error> Condition “!is_inside_tree()” is true. Returning: NodePath()
<C++ Source> scene/main/node.cpp:2345 @ get_path()
player.gd:379 @ shoot01()
player.gd:1942 @ _physics_process()
W 0:00:02:0780 player.gd:379 @ shoot01(): AnimatedTexture cannot be used as a PointLight2D texture (). As a workaround, assign the value returned by AnimatedTexture’s get_image() instead.
<C++ Source> scene/2d/light_2d.cpp:407 @ set_texture()
player.gd:379 @ shoot01()
player.gd:1942 @ _physics_process()