Animation finished signal not working

Godot Version



(first off I don’t know how people add code to their questions could someone help with that? I tried to google it but couldn’t find any easy solution)

Why is the Animation finished signal not triggering?
code → gist:82ae281a742d3ce3819a6c630544f784 · GitHub

extends CharacterBody2D
@onready var animated_sprite: AnimatedSprite2D = $AnimatedSprite2D
@onready var coyote_timer: Timer = $CoyoteTimer
@onready var jump_buffer_timer: Timer = $JumpBufferTimer

const SPEED = 300.0
const JUMP_VELOCITY = -400.0

var Jump_Available:bool = true
var Jump_Buffer:bool = false
var jumpcount = 0
var is_attacking = false

func _physics_process(delta: float) → void:
# Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration.
var direction := Input.get_axis(“move_left”, “move_right”)
if direction:
velocity.x = direction * SPEED
velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, SPEED)

# Add the gravity.
if not is_on_floor():
	velocity += get_gravity() * delta
# Handle jump.
if is_on_floor() or Jump_Available:
	Jump_Available = true
	if Jump_Available:
		if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"):
			velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY
			jumpcount += 1
			if jumpcount == 2:
				Jump_Available = false
				jumpcount = 0

#Flip sprite
if direction > 0:
	animated_sprite.flip_h = false
if direction < 0:
	animated_sprite.flip_h = true

#Play animations
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack"):
	is_attacking = true
	if is_attacking:"attack")
if is_on_floor():
	if direction == 0:
		if is_attacking == false:"idle")

if not is_on_floor():"jump")


func _on_animated_sprite_2d_animation_finished() → void:
if $AnimatedSprite2D.animation == “attack”:
is_attacking = false

found out how to make code look better but still need help with solution

extends CharacterBody2D
@onready var animated_sprite: AnimatedSprite2D = $AnimatedSprite2D
@onready var coyote_timer: Timer = $CoyoteTimer
@onready var jump_buffer_timer: Timer = $JumpBufferTimer

const SPEED = 300.0
const JUMP_VELOCITY = -400.0

var Jump_Available:bool = true
var Jump_Buffer:bool = false
var jumpcount = 0
var is_attacking = false

func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
	# Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration.
	var direction := Input.get_axis("move_left", "move_right")
	if direction:
		velocity.x = direction * SPEED
		velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, SPEED)
	# Add the gravity.
	if not is_on_floor():
		velocity += get_gravity() * delta
	# Handle jump.
	if is_on_floor() or Jump_Available:
		Jump_Available = true
		if Jump_Available:
			if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"):
				velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY
				jumpcount += 1
				if jumpcount == 2:
					Jump_Available = false
					jumpcount = 0
	#Flip sprite
	if direction > 0:
		animated_sprite.flip_h = false
	if direction < 0:
		animated_sprite.flip_h = true
	#Play animations
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("attack"):
		is_attacking = true
		if is_attacking:"attack")
	if is_on_floor():
		if direction == 0:
			if is_attacking == false:"idle")
	if not is_on_floor():"jump")

func _on_animated_sprite_2d_animation_finished() -> void:
	if $AnimatedSprite2D.animation == "attack":
		is_attacking = false

Thank you for formatting, sorry it’s hard to find out [code] or ``` blocks.

So it never prints “a”? It seems like the “run” animation is most likely to interrupt the “attack” animation, to debug could you add a print($AnimatedSprite2D.animation) at the start of the connected function?

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Hey thanks for the reply, to be honesty I’m not sure how functions work in this 100%. I thought after defining a function you would have to call it to do something but the guy in this youtube video has it working for him at 6:45

and yea I thought the run animation would interfere a little bit but I thought if it goes in the function it would have to at least set is_attacking to false. But just to make sure I removed else condition that plays the run animation and my character keeps looping the attack animation once I attack because is_attacking is never set to false

I have tried putting _on_animated_sprite_2d_animation_finished() right above move_and_slide and it does go into the function where is_attacking = false but the problem is that the attack animation plays for a split second then stops

and even if it did work id still be confused why what the guy did in the video wouldn’t work for me.

I really like godot and it seems pretty straight forward with a lot of things but do you think its be a good idea to go to unity just for the sole reason of there being a lot of tutorials or videos about common problems?

omg this was driving me crazy and I think the problem was that the animation for attacking was on loop.

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Game engines will behave similarly, so experience in any and all is valuable, you should spend some time with Unity in your lifetime. However, I feel Unity has a lot more inexplicable bugs to dance around; there is even a website to document such, named The Uninomicon. Godot does rather well in documented and reasonable behaviour in my opinion, so it’s a great starting point even if video tutorials are lacking and changing (with 4.0 and 4.3 being so recent).

Personally I do not use video tutorials, text documenation/blogs always served me better. Godot has built-in F1 documentation that will contain links to tutorials if available. I find that a big selling point, especially when working offline.

I am rambling about my favorite engine now, I am glad you found the solution! Despite everything I said, Godot’s UI contains a ton of ambiguous buttons, I didn’t find out about autoplay until a year in! I could see video tutorials or work-streams helping with that discovery.

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Thank you and I welcome the rabbling lol

I appreciate the info and cause of it I think I’ll try to use godot and work around any issues I might have. And also play closer attention to videos

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