Animation window

Godot Version



I think this is a bug but posting just in case when i click the sprites my animation wont change. becuase of this i cant use the animation window. even when i use the inspector to change the sprite fram it doesnt work. im pretty sure this is a bug but im not 100% sure

I’m not sure what you mean by the animation not changing.

I usually create several animations and use gdscript to change between them.

Can you provide a screenshot?

so when im on frame zero and click frame 1 it doesnt change the frame that im viewing in the world like it should.

because its doing this i cant use the animation player to put in frames

Does the play button work?

yes but when i try adding the frames the animation player only shows one frame

The picture you are showing us is not the animation player in the editor.
You are showing the editor for an AnimatedSprite3D.

Select the animation player then check the update mode of the track. It should be
set to continuous to update the property on each timeline key frame.
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I don’t want to waste my time helping blind dogs that ignore people after they help. But, it’s probably because your animation duration is only 1 frame. Just for community’s sake.

hey sorry but i think im explaing this wrong it wont change to those frames when selected also if youre gonna be rude to people you shouldnt bother helping

thanks this kinda helped but its still only showing me one single picture and not a full animation i think this may be a bug or ive done something wrong. but now it shows the actually pictures instead of dots

hey i was wrong i saved this and reloaded it it this worked thanks

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