AnimationPlayer: Change track order

I don’t know if this belongs here…

I would like to see a new feature in Godot that allows you to change the order of the Tracks in an AnimationPlayer afterwards. So simply that it is possible to move a Track up or down (using the arrow button and/or holding down the mouse button). I have not found an option for this.


agreed, especially once there are a large number of tracks it would be epic to be able to sort / rearrange them

here’s a work around. add a tool script to the AnimationPlayer and use this code to move the track up and down.

export(String) var track_path setget track_path_set
func track_path_set(new_value):
	track_path = new_value
export(bool) var move_track_up setget move_track_up_set
func move_track_up_set(new_value):
	var animation = get_animation("song")
	var track_index = animation.find_track(track_path)
	if new_value:
	move_track_up = false
export(bool) var move_track_down setget move_track_down_set
func move_track_down_set(new_value):
	var animation = get_animation("song")
	var track_index = animation.find_track(track_path)
	if new_value:
	move_track_down = false

Setting track path to the corect thing can be done by copying the path from the animation track. Just click on the name of the track, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, go to the exported track_path var and Ctrl+V.
it does seam to be a lill buggy but is working for me in a pinch

EDIT: you’ll also notice that i hard coded which animation it edits, current_animation doesn’t seam to work in editor or somthn

EDIT2: also i should say that im using godot 3.5

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