Animations break when there's more than one instance of scene

Godot Version



I have two animations, one animation tree. First animation sets frames, second animation sets frames, playback autoadvance condition and invokes method. On animation tree node playback is local to scene, all settings are default and root node is correct. Animation1 advances to animation2 by condition, and animation2 return to animation1 at the end. Condition sets in animation1 and on timer’s timeout (invokes script method, not “set” on tree)

When I have more than one instance of that scene, animation starts to freeze (looks like what you get when you try to animate one property using two animators), and situation worsens on bigger amount. I have another scene, that hasn’t got that problem, so I have no idea what to do.

I found a pretty easy solution. I tried setting “local to scene” for animation library used, and it worked.

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