Are2d not properly detecting bodies?

Godot Version



`Hi everyone,
I’m encountering an issue where my beam (Area2D) intermittently fails to detect the cow (body). As shown in the video below, the detection works sometimes but isn’t consistent or smooth. This is a significant issue for my game because accurate collision detection is crucial.

I initially thought the problem was related to timing, but after enabling Area2D monitoring for the beam and running a test, I confirmed that the detection itself isn’t working reliably.

Could anyone help me identify what might be causing this inconsistency? Any insights would be greatly appreciated! and here’s the code. `

i think the physics work fine, but your on_body_entered-method has some problems:

you are checking if the body has a specific name, but only one node in the scenetree can have this name. This means this only works for one cow at a time inside the scenetree. if there are more it will have a different name.

An alternative is to either use groups or class_names:

if body is Cow or body is CowBrown

for this you have to put a class_name inside the cow script:

class_name Cow extends CharacterBody2D

Thank you so much! I use groups, and it works perfectly—no more missed cows. You’re truly a lifesaver. Here’s what my script looks like:

func _on_beam_body_entered(body) → void:
if body.is_in_group(“cows”):
print (“cow entered”)


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