Godot Version
v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]
Hello, I’m new to Godot but experienced with programming. I just finished the Your First 2D Game tutorial, and collisions were working fine. I tried to do all the same things in my own project, and there, the _on_body_entered handler is never called. I can’t figure out what the difference is, and none of the search results I could find apply to me. Please help, what dumb thing am I missing?
I don’t have a public git repo for this, is there a standard way to share it as a zip?
Some info about the project, and things I checked based on other search results:
- I have no error messages.
- My Player is an Area2D node, and my Enemy is a RigidBody2D node.
- Main is the default scene for the project and is a basic Node type node.
- The Enemy and Player are both static child nodes of the Main scene, but I also tried dynamically spawning one in the Main _ready() and that didn’t collide either.
- The Player and Enemy do not start overlapped.
- The script shows the green arrow next to _on_body_entered and clicking it shows the expected body_entered signal:
- My _on_body_entered has no conditional logic yet.
func _on_body_entered(body: Node2D) -> void:
print("Body entered player: " + body.name)
func handle_hit() -> void:
$CollisionShape2D.set_deferred("disabled", true)
is_flashing = true
$AnimatedSprite2D.visible = false
- Both Player and Enemy have CollisionShape2D. Both use a CapsuleShape2D. Neither have been scaled, but the one for Enemy has been rotated. Removing the rotation has no effect.
- Enabling Visible Collision Shapes shows them positioned as expected, enabled (collision shape is blue), and overlapping.
- Player has collision layer 1 and mask 1, Enemy has collision layer 1 and no mask. Giving Enemy mask 1 has no effect. Player mask 2 and Enemy layer 2 also has no effect.
- Player has Monitoring on.
- Enabling Contact Monitor and setting Max Contacts Reported to 1 on Enemy had no effect. I’m guessing these apply to the signals for things entering the Enemy rather than the Enemy entering things?
- I tried connecting the signal in code in Player _ready() instead of the editor but that didn’t make a difference. (Connecting it in both editor and code showed a runtime error as expected.)
- An unrelated custom signal emitted by Player is being successfully handled by the Main script.
- If I call handle_hit() directly in Player _ready(), the flashing and disabled collisions happen as expected (collision shape turns white). The timer events properly stop the flashing and theoretically turn collisions back on (shape turns blue again).
- The signal doesn’t fire when the CollisionShape2D is disabled either, so I’m not just working with it backwards.
- I have no control nodes in this project.