Area3D does not fire signal body_entered if the body is spawned inside area3D

Godot Version



I am making a game where the player can place down items, and one of these items can detect fire tiles. The placed item is using an Area3D with a sphere collision shape3D, and the fire tiles are using StaticBody3D with a box collision shape3D. If i spawn the placed item, so the items Area3D radius is colliding with the Fire Tile’s StaticBody box, the Area3D signals body_entered perfect, however, if the Fire Tile, ie the StaticBody3D, spawns colliding with the already placed item, body_entered does not trigger. Is there anything I would need to do to get this to work, or is this not possible functionality, or potentially a bug?

Thanks for any help!

if spawn inside he don’t enter and don’t emitting signal this is how works.
if you needed know if there’s inside you can use shape cast but is more expensive


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