AudioServer gives error / is out of bonds /

Godot Version



Hi, im trying to add sound options to my game, but im gettin this error. ![1|593x500](upload://yO8PZp2Y8moWRaYwTWOch7ymvOQ.png) and this are bus ![2|600x500](upload://4OcivhmMmHO1Yy00Y922ohy0es.png) sounds nodes also set for the bus "sfx" or "master" so what could it be ?

It looks like get buss index is returning -1 which is out of bounds for any array. Check to make sure your “sfx” bus does not have white space at the end "sfx "

thanks for the anwser, but i solve the problem :slight_smile:

aperenty there is a setting in project settings–> Application → Audio → Default Bus Layout, after you set your bus, save it and chose as a Default Bus Layout. and its work.