Hello, this is my first topic so I decided to start with the showcase of a small game I made recently.
The Game
I called it “AutoFarm”
You start the game inside a cave with a pickaxe mining ores
The only thing you can actually do is to upgrade three things:
- Pickaxe Speed
- Pickaxe Damage
- Income
Some ores have more durability than others, so making the pickaxe faster and stronger is essential to break them fast.
There’s also some advertisements because it’s just a small game, the advertisements appears just on android devices as a:
- banner (at the top where everything is black)
- reward ads (if the player wants more cash)
- 5 second ads (when a player finishes a stage)
The game has 6 different stages, on different maps (some of them are similar)
Each stage has a cash limit and new ores.
After reaching the last stage and the maximum amount of cash, the player is asked if he wants to reset the entire game, with a new pickaxe color and a 5x income boost.
Why did I make it
Good question, probably not even God knows
Game Link: AutoFarm by rtvr5656
And it’s only that.
I hope you like it, but if you don’t, you can reply and let me know why and what I could change!